“Is your team stuck?”
Teams are critical for success. Teamwork can be overlooked or missed. How much energy and resources are spent on team improvement and development only to find out little if any success is achieved?
Many times, in our professional and personal lives we feel as though we are walking a very narrow ledge of success and failure. One small misstep or hesitation in deciding may cause us to fall off the cliff and fail and if we do not have the courage to take a step or are too hasty in our decision we may not reach the destination we desire. These moments are even more frequent when we are leading a team. We are not only responsible for our own personal success and safety, but carry the responsibility for the people who have entrusted us to help them navigate these treacherous ledges. If you are reading up to this point, you may be reflecting on a recent project with similar outcomes. So how do we improve team performance with sustainable results?
To accomplish the better future a different approach is required. It means a fundamental shift in how we think, speak and act in the workplace. Whereas the 20th Century economy flourished with an ethos of efficiency and control, accentuated in recent decades by values of self-interest and self-aggrandizement. The economy of today requires imagination, exploration, discovery and collaboration, driven by a commitment to make a positive difference in the world.
When applicable, we leverage a simulation based approach with feedback that provides a powerful lever for meaningful and sustainable change.